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  • Beginners

  • Intermediate

  • Advanced

  • Under 6 Years Old (U6)

  • Basic 6+ Years Old

  • All Levels

  • Personal Training

What is Shiva Yoga?

Shiva Yoga is a fun and exciting way for kids to explore yoga inspired by the powerful Hindu deity, Shiva, at The Legend Arena Fitness Center. It's all about discovering inner strength, focus, and balance through playful poses and mindful movements.


What are the Benefits of Shiva Yoga?

What are the benefits of practicing Shiva Yoga? A: Shiva Yoga for kids offers a range of awesome benefits! It helps improve flexibility, strengthens muscles, boosts concentration, and brings a sense of calmness to busy minds. Plus, it's a great way to make new friends and have a blast while getting fit at The Legend Arena Fitness Center.


Is Shiva Yoga suitable for kids of all ages?

Absolutely! Shiva Yoga at The Legend Arena Fitness Center is designed specifically for kids, so whether you're a little yogi or a big one, there's something for everyone!


Do I need prior yoga experience to join Shiva Yoga for kids?

Nope! Shiva Yoga at The Legend Arena Fitness Center welcomes kids of all levels, including beginners. Our experienced instructors will guide you through each pose with fun and ease.


What equipment is needed for Shiva Yoga for kids?

All you need is a positive attitude and a willingness to have fun! The Legend Arena Fitness Center provides everything else, including yoga mats, props, and a safe space to practice.


Is Shiva Yoga for kids safe?

Absolutely! Shiva Yoga for kids at The Legend Arena Fitness Center is led by certified instructors who prioritize safety and fun. They'll ensure that each child practices within their comfort zone, making it a safe and enjoyable experience for all.


What are some common poses or techniques in Shiva Yoga for kids?

Get ready for some super fun poses! In Shiva Yoga for kids at The Legend Arena Fitness Center, you'll learn playful poses like "Tree Pose" (Vrksasana), "Downward Dog" (Adho Mukha Svanasana), "Cat-Cow Stretch" (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana), and many more!


Will practicing Shiva Yoga help me become more flexible?

Absolutely! Shiva Yoga for kids at The Legend Arena Fitness Center includes lots of stretching and bending, which helps improve flexibility over time. So get ready to reach for the stars and bend like a pretzel !

Shive Yoga The Legend Arena
Kids Yoga Hua Hin The Legend Arena
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